E-Learning Has Arrived!
It’s a difficult and uncertain time for all of us, and that’s why we want to continue to offer our usual support in helping you gain the training you need in order to both prepare you for and help you get back into work.
Whether you’ve lost your job due to the coronavirus outbreak or you are looking to use this time at home to gain new skills that will allow you to build a new career, we’re just as committed as ever to supporting your journey.
We’re delighted to offer you the opportunity to complete one of our new online training courses, ran by our friendly, professional team of tutors. And don’t worry if you’re not great on computers, our staff will be with you every step of the way, making sure you get any assistance you may need.
All of these courses will provide you with clear, helpful advice on the best pathway for you and your future. We’ll help you overcome your barriers to employment, fully review and update your CV, and present you with a clear action plan on the steps you can take next!
There are still reasons to be positive, and jobs are being created every day in vital sectors like Healthcare, Food Retail, Public Safety, Transport, and Financial Services. We will beat this terrible disease and, when we do, we want to make sure that you’re in the best position possible to continue developing and achieve your goals.
Please feel free to contact us at any time by emailing info@crosbytraining.com or calling 0151 922 5500.
Stay at Home, Protect the NHS, Save Lives.
Wishing you well, hope to hear from you soon
The Crosby Training Team.