Our state of the art Digibus allows us to travel all across the region, delivering Digital Skills directly to the heart of your local community.
Equipped with a range of laptops and accessories, our bus is wheelchair accessible and has plenty of room for a small group of learners to learn, jobsearch, interact and engage.
We’ve parked up at JobCentres, Shopping Centres, Office Blocks, Community Centres, Libraries, Hotels and tonnes of other locations throughout the North West and beyond. So, if you see us out and about, please feel free to pop in and see what we have to offer.
Our Tutors can talk to you about everything from updating your CV to staying safe on social media, and they’ll be more than happy to help you with your own device if you have any troubleshooting problems.
You can give us a call on 0151 922 5500 to find out more!

Success Story
Carol Levels Up

Having worked at her local betting store for over a decade, Carol was becoming frustrated at the lack of opportunities for progression. She knew she could do more for her branch if she was just able to gain some extra skills enabling her to better utilise their computer systems.
That’s where our dedicated Information Technology Training programme, coordinated by our expert tutor, Jane, came in. We were able to provide Carol with a fully-funded, comprehensive training programme specifically designed to take her digital skills to the next level.
Carol was working long shifts with varying patterns and her programme was therefore delivered via a blended model, combining distance learning with supplementary classroom sessions, to ensure she was always able to attend sessions and get the most out of her time.
Due to the fact that she only had a very old notebook-style laptop at home, Carol was also loaned a brand-new Crosby Training laptop for the entirety of her course. A move that greatly diminished her chances of encountering the loading symbol that Jane has famously named, ‘The Donut of Death.’
Training covered everything from MS PowerPoint to Using Email, not only providing Carol with new skills but also developing those that she already had. Within weeks, she had progressed onto even more technical aspects of learning, including a unit on the structure and use of Databases.
With her new qualification in hand, Carol has already been able to secure a promotion to a new position at her store as a Regional Engagement Rep. She says the move has provided her with more freedom over her time and a greater role to play in the future of the company she loves.
*some names and details have been changed
Device Advice
Our expert Tutors and Support Staff can provide advice on everything from Desktop Computers to Mobile Phones. Whether it's setting up a new email address or finding out how to change your SIM Card, we have the knowledge to help.
~ Desktop Navigation
~ Keyboard & Mouse
~ Browsing Safely
~ Touch Screen Navigation
~ Downloading Apps
~ Creating a Passcode
~ Cloud Backups
~ Social Media
~ Bluetooth Linking
~ Troubleshooting
~ Compatibility
~ Proper Usage

Get Online
Laptop Loans
It's almost impossible to apply for a job these days without a laptop or internet connection. Even those of us who are able to get online through our phones know how difficult it is to perform tasks - like updating a CV - on such a small screen. That's why we offer free laptop and internet dongle loans whenever they are required. We also have a dedicated Resource Area - The Next Steps Centre - with a bank of laptops that learners past and present learners can use throughout the working day. If you're booked onto a course that includes remote learning, we will arrange for you to pop in and collect your laptop from our Head Office. Or - if you're unable to make the trip - one of our lovely drivers will be happy to drop it off straight to your front door. All we ask is that you use the device responsibly and return it to us in the condition that you received it.