Policy Information

Policy Summaries

You can find key information and some of our policy summaries on this page. Crosby Training's mission is to transform lives by going the extra mile to achieve excellence in training for work and beyond. Full details can be made available on request. If you believe you are in immediate danger, you should always contact emergency services first.

Compliments, Comments & Complaints

Stage 1

We hope issues can be resolved informally by talking in the first case to the learner, employer or partner about any concerns.

Stage 2 

Informal Resolution; Escalated to SMT (Senior Management Team) member, including the Chief Executive Officer.

Stage 3

Formal Resolution; procedures will be followed to ensure a formal resolution is agreed. This is the responsibility of the SMT member involved at Stage 2.

Employee Health & Wellbeing

Crosby Training will:

~ Ensure employees recognise the value the organisation places on their health & wellbeing

~ Support and maintain a safe and healthy working environment

~ Improve the physical and mental wellbeing of our workforce

~ Encourage and support our employees to develop and maintain a healthy lifestyle

~ Support employees with health conditions to remain in work

~ Remove barriers that prevent employees with health conditions or impairments from achieving their potential

~ Improve employee morale

Crosby Training’s key responsibilities are:

~ Providing an environment that supports employee engagement, health & wellbeing

~ A safe and healthy environment for all employees at work

~ Implementing safe systems of work to safeguard employee health and wellbeing

~ Engaging with employees to promote and improve health and wellbeing

~ Risk assessing work related stress

~ Implementing necessary control measures to prevent harmful stress and consider the necessary support mechanisms at work

~ Supporting employees through a changing and challenging economic climate, enhancing coping capacity and developing a more flexible / agile work environment

~ Recognising work related stress amongst employees and offering necessary support and putting in place control measures

~ Creating a culture that where problems arise, they are quickly identified and solutions considered

~ Monitoring workload and working hours in relation to health and wellbeing

~ Implementing effective early intervention mechanisms relating to employee absence from work

Equality & Diversity

There must be no discrimination against existing employees, applicants for employment, trainees or persons providing a service to the company on the grounds of age, colour, disability, ethnic or national origin, gender, marital or civil partnership status, pregnancy or maternity, race, religion or belief, or sexual orientation. These are ‘protected characteristics’ under the Equality Act 2010.

First Aid & Emergencies

Crosby Training will ensure:

~ Managers are aware of and accept their responsibilities for health and safety

~ Employees are aware of and are encouraged to accept their individual responsibilities for the health and safety of themselves and others

~ Visitors, customers, clients and suppliers of goods and services who enter the company’s premises are made aware of the relevant Health & Safety rules or procedures

~ Consultative procedures facilitate this involvement and commitment of employees at all levels

~ Appropriate training on company Health and Safety procedures is provided for all new employees

Machines, Materials & Methods; Factors are taken fully into account:

~ In the design of the buildings, equipment and procedures used by the company

~ In the selection of the materials and articles used by the company

~ In the selection of placement companies used by the company

Offsite Activities

Employees and clients understand that they must make themselves aware of the Health and Safety rules and procedures pertaining to premises and operations external to the company, which they may visit during the normal course of their time with the company.

Injury and Dangerous Occurrence Investigations

All such incidents are fully investigated with the object of establishing causes and preventing a recurrence.

Fire Procedures

~ Adequate provisions for fire prevention, fire fighting and control in co-operation with the local Fire Authority Advisor

~ Satisfactory alarm and evacuation procedures involving all occupants of the company’s premises

Health & Hygiene

We will ensure access to medical services and first aid facilities. At least one member of the company’s staff is a qualified first aider. The First Aid person on site is Lisa Sumner.

Safeguarding & Prevent

As part of our safeguarding ethos, Crosby Training encourages people to respect the fundamental British Values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberties and mutual respect, and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.

Under duties imposed as part of the Prevent Duty Guidance 2015, Crosby Training will ensure that situations are risk assessed, that they will work in partnership with other agencies, that all staff are suitably trained, and that the IT policies will ensure that vulnerable people are safe from harmful material when accessing the internet in Crosby Training.

We strive to uphold British Values (democracy, rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance for those with different faiths and beliefs) and promote the Prevent strategy to safeguard our company and learners.


Crosby Training is committed to the UK Strategy for Sustainable Development (‘Securing the Future’) that ‘will enable all people throughout the world to satisfy their basic needs and enjoy a better quality of life without compromising the quality of life for future generations’.

We know that climate change is the greatest environmental challenge facing the world with rising global temperatures, which bring changes in weather patterns, rising sea levels and increased frequency and intensity of extreme weather conditions.

By recycling and reusing more waste, and by reducing carbon emissions from our offices, learning venues and vehicles, we will continuously reduce our own carbon footprint. We have embedded sustainable development at both the decision-making and the operational levels within the company.

We have taken steps to reduce our company’s output of carbon emissions and have standardised these efforts, including setting baselines and targets to reduce this in line with the DWP SOGE targets. These targets are monitored for progress each quarter.

We educate and train our staff, and involve learners and stakeholders, in our mission to recycle and reuse waste and to reduce our impact on the environment.